• The only Certainty about the Future is the Fact that the Future is Uncertain

    Dr. Luis Vera Pedro

    Since its inception, BONWS Seguros S.A. has been adding value by providing financial peace of mind as well as stability to its clients and ensuring that the financial consequences of their risks are handled.  more[...]  login_required

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    Dr. Luis Vera Pedro
  • Nestlé needs YOUth!

    Andrea Lucia Biswas Tortajada
    Nestlé S.A.

    Nestlé believes that to prosper over the long term and create value for our shareholders, we must also create value for society. As the world’s largest food and beverage company, we have a unique opportunity and responsibility to play an active part in the communities where we live and work, support youth and contribute to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Never has this been more relevant than in the current context, where so many youth lack economic opportunities.  more[...]

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  • Mica Supply Chain: No Place for Child Labor

    Gregor Hilkert

    The mineral mica often lends products their alluring sheen, whether it is lipstick, eye shadows, or automotive coatings. The coveted raw material is mined in various locations, including the states of Jharkhand and Bihar in northern India, a region marked by political instability and poverty and where child labor is widespread. Merck also uses mica as the main raw material for its effect pigments. The science and technology company flatly rejects child labor and advocates for safe working conditions of the mine workers. In addition, Merck supports educational and health projects that improve the lives of families in the mining areas.  more[...]

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  • Integrating (Dis) Abilities

    Silvia Dobarganes Nodar

    At Eurofinsa, we are committed to a social environment in which our projects are carried out for society’s most vulnerable groups. We are committed to including persons with disabilities in our workforce as one way of putting our corporate values and social responsibility policy into practice. We are convinced that favoring vulnerable persons by integrating them into the workforce contributes to the economic and social development of both the individual and society as a whole.  more[...]

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  • Investing in the Community

    Jorge Sturla
    Central Romana Corporation

    Moving forward with firm steps toward its commitments on corporate social responsibility, Central Romana Corporation, Ltd., has concluded its work of reorganizing and improving Batey Cacata, one of many agricultural communities in the Dominican Republic that harvests sugarcane. These measures involved an investment of more than $5 million and are part of a model pilot program that will be extended to all the bateys within the agricultural division of the company.  more[...]

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  • A Far-reaching Approach to Raising Labor Practices in Agriculture

    Miguel Coleta
    Philip Morris International

    When Human Rights Watch unveiled their research in 2009 on child labor and other labor issues related to tobacco-growing in Kazakhstan, it prompted Philip Morris International (PMI) to rethink the way it was addressing these issues. Although the company already had efforts in place, clearly they were insufficient to gain visibility into these issues and address child labor. This prompted PMI to seek the advice of Verité (a leading NGO in supply chain responsibility) and to adopt a new approach aimed at systematically addressing child labor, resulting in the launch of PMI’s global Agricultural Labor Practices (ALP) program in 2011.  more[...]

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  • Traceability in the supply chain

    Nestlé S.A.

    In the spirit of the Sustainable Development Goals and invigorated by their worldwide importance, we are determined to carry on with our work to realize a shared vision of a sustainable future. Our ongoing commitment to support the world’s development ambitions is part of our responsibility as a global company and a nutrition, health, and wellness leader. We strive for people to live healthy lives, in a healthy environment, and in healthy communities. Partnering is central to our business model, and since 2011, we have been working with the Fair Labor Association (FLA) to improve transparency and address complex social challenges in the hazelnut supply chain in Turkey. Together, we are furthering our understanding of the difficulties faced by rural communities and achieving significant progress.  more[...]

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  • Above the Standard: HOCHTIEF at the “Crossrail” Project in London


    In ever-expanding cities across the world, city planners are rethinking their transportation policies and setting their sights on sustainable mobility. In spaces that had been allocated to cars, people are now the focus. People and the environment benefit from expanding bicycle path networks, car-sharing services, and better local public transport connections. A look at London shows where we are heading – and that HOCHTIEF is a safe companion on this path. In the UK capital, the international construction company is making a key contribution to a highly sustainable tunneling project.  more[...]

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  • Faster, More Efficient, More Sustainable – The Production Plant of the Future

    Dr Peter F. Tropschuh, Audi AG
    Audi AG

    Digital integration will play a central role in the modern production plant over the next few years: The “factory of the future” – also known as Industry 4.0 or the Smart Factory – not only increases the ability of machines to control processes faster and more efficiently; it also results in greater integration of machinery and humans.  more[...]

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  • Assessments: Self-Assessments, Audits

    Für Unternehmen ist es essentiell, über funktionierende Lieferanten zu verfügen, um auf dem internationalen Markt bestehen zu können. Auch wenn ein Unternehmen nicht die Fabriken besitzt, in denen die jeweiligen Produkte hergestellt werden, so hat es doch die Verantwortung, dass in der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette menschenwürdige Arbeitsbedingungen herrschen. Neben regulären Qualitätsüberprüfungen werden so genannte Sozial- und Umwelt-Assessments immer wichtiger, um Transparenz im Bereich Arbeits- und Menschenrechte und Umwelt in der Lieferkette herzustellen. Assessments bzw. Audits müssen als Teil der Unternehmensstrategie bzw. als Teil der Kommunikation innerhalb der Lieferkette angesehen werden und auch in die Lieferantenverträge mit einbezogen werden  more[...]  login_required

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  • Audits und Zertifikate

    Für Unternehmen ist es essentiell, über funktionierende Lieferanten zu verfügen, um auf dem internationalen Markt bestehen zu können. Auch wenn ein Unternehmen nicht die Fabriken besitzt, in denen die jeweiligen Produkte hergestellt werden, so hat es doch die Verantwortung, dass in der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette menschenwürdige Arbeitsbedingungen herrschen. Neben regulären Qualitätsüberprüfungen werden so genannte Sozialaudits immer wichtiger, um Transparenz im Bereich Arbeits- und Menschenrechte in der Lieferkette herzustellen. Audits müssen als Teil der Unternehmensstrategie angesehen werden und deren Durchführung vertraglich mit den Lieferanten geregelt sein.  more[...]

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  • Introduction to Voluntary Sustainability Standards

    Kristin Komives, ISEAL Alliance
    ISEAL Alliance

    Private, voluntary sustainability standards are an innovative, market-based approach to promoting sustainable production and business practices. Adoption of these sustainability standards is intended to be voluntary: The standards are not created, run, or required by governments or government regulation. Instead, the system for voluntary sustainability standards are nongovernment initiatives that seek to drive sustainable production and consumption by creating a market demand for sustainable products, and a supply to meet that demand. They help buyers (both consumers and businesses) identify sustainably-produced products, and they guide producers, forest managers, mine and tourism operators, and factory owners and others in their choice of sustainable practices.  more[...]

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